Ulysses On Soap2Day. Dublin; June 16, 1904. Stephen Dedalus, who fancies himself as a poet, embarks on a day of wandering about the city during which he finds friendship and a father figure in Leopold Bloom, a middle-aged Jew. Meanwhile, Bloom's day, illuminated by a funeral and an evening of drinking and revelry that stirs paternal feelings toward Stephen, ends with a rapprochement with Molly, his earthy wife.
- Genre: Drama
- Country: Ireland, United Kingdom, United States
- Director: Joseph Strick
- Cast: Barbara Jefford, Milo O’Shea, Maurice Roëves, T. P. McKenna, Martin Dempsey, Sheila O'Sullivan, Fionnula Flanagan, David Kelly, Chris Curran, Anna Manahan, Joe Lynch, Maureen Potter, Jim Bartley, Tony Doyle, Leon Collins, Brendan Cauldwell, Des Keogh, Pauline Melville, Don Irwin, Derry Power, Pamela Mant,